Monday, February 11, 2013

The double slit experiment.
The present science is confused as to whether an electron is a wave or a particle. The reason for confusion is this, if you are a cork in the water you will see every little ripple in the water.
If you are an ocean liner it will take a very big wave for you to see it.

The particles are emitted from the left and pass through the slits they are stopped on the right to show the population.

When computing the movement of the sun and planets they could be considered as ocean liners. We cannot compute every particle in the earth and sun. It is good enough to consider the mass of the sun and planet as concentrated at a point in the centers.

When we are dealing with electrons we need to consider the electrical force of all particles in its vicinity. By using the force of interaction read the theory of gravity and charge you will find that the double slit experiment is no mystery.

The electron will take a helical path and when passing through the slit will be deflected. So the moving electron going  through a slit would be better considered like an electric motor with the force acting on electrons in a wire.

The electrons could go through the bottom slit and end way above the top slit and visa versa.
If you watch this for a while you will notice that most of the electrons end up directly behind the blocked portion instead of being directly behind the slits.

If you block one of the slits you will notice the change in distribution and could say the wave collapses.

What this is saying is if you shot steel balls the result would be the same. The electrons take a helical path.

The moon is on a helical path to the earth, the earth is on a helical path to the sun, the light beams are bent by gravity or if you wish space-time is bent.

There is no such thing as a straight line. Everything is on a spiral track to nowhere.



Unuseminucum.  2/5/2013




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